Adventure Church
Adventure Church
1st - 5th(*6th) Grade
We believe that the Bible is the authoritative and inspired Word of God. The Bible is and will always be our primary source for our curriculum. We train our teachers with Christ centered curriculum and will not teach anything other than that.
What to expect
What to expect
Adventure Bible Church 10:30am-11:30am
After checking in your children at 10am they will be with parents in big church. Then following Sunday announcements they will immediately be directed to the Kids Adventure Bible Church area where they become Bible 'explorers'.
Students will enter the Adventure Bible Church to find enthusiastic 'adventure' leaders who are there to help them 'explore' Jesus (who he is), biblical principles and truths about character and values. Adventure Bible Church is designed to entertain and train or "Enter-trian". This is an effective way to teach the Word in order to have the message within the body of the narrative (God's love) permeate into the hearts and minds of children. Adventure leaders direct the program, which consists of music, a sermonette, team bible competitions, biblical teachings, puppet shows and a Bible memory verse of the week. In addition, each student 'explorer' will take home the weekly 'explorer’s' packet of assignments for extra credit.
Your Child's Health
For the protection of all the children in Sunday School, we cannot accept a child with a fresh cold (four days or less), a fever, runny nose, rash, persistent cough, diarrhea or any other signs of illness. We request that you not place your child in Sunday School while they are at risk of exposing other children. Thank you for helping us keep our Sunday school a healthy place for all. Note: Please do NOT bring personal snacks or drinks into the class room, this will help to avoid potential food allergies with other children.
Grades 1-6
You will check in your child with one of our trained volunteers and be given a name tag for personal identification. The adult checking the child into the classroom will take a picture of the child with his/her name tag that will be necessary to release the child at the end of the service. An adult MUST check-in and check-out the child.